
Are you in danger? Can you control your credits? What do you need to watch out for? Check it!

So let's make this clear: If you're able to pay your bills and are current on all your accounts, you almost certainly don't need credit counseling. If your interest rates are too high, you usually can negotiate a lower rate with your credit-card companies just by asking -- or threatening to move your account elsewhere.

Here's when you might think about full-scale credit counseling:

  • You can't pay the minimums on your credit cards.

  • You're consistently late paying one or more of your regular bills.

  • You're being hounded by creditors and collection agencies.

  • Your efforts to work out reasonable repayment plans with your creditors have failed.

Be warned: If you're too far in debt, credit counseling may not be able to help. There are limits to how little your creditors will accept, and a credit counseling service may not be able to cut your payments enough to either give you breathing room or get you out of debt. If that's true, bankruptcy may be the best of bad options.

Your payments also shouldn't stretch on for years. The typical plan takes two to four years to complete. Responsible credit counselors say bankruptcy is usually the better option if the repayment would take more than five years.


Once you've decided you want credit counseling, you should investigate the company or service carefully before signing up. Red flags to avoid include:

Big upfront fees. Consumer Credit Counseling Services typically charge a $10 set-up fee. If you're paying a lot more, you may be the one who's getting set up, unless you're getting extensive and personal money coaching that could justify the fee.

No accreditation. Legitimate credit counseling firms are affiliated with the National Foundation for Credit Counseling or the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies.

Delayed or missing payments. Some companies pocket your first months' payments as a fee, rather than passing the money on to your creditors. Missing payments can hurt your credit rating. Find out how much of each monthly payment is going to your creditors, and when it will be sent to them.

Unrealistic promises. Some companies falsely promise that you can settle your debts for little or no money, without hurting your credit rating. Legitimate credit counseling services help you pay back what you owe, albeit at lower interest rates, and acknowledge there may be some affect on your credit rating and ability to obtain new credit.

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