Nowadays, the trend of making payments with bank credit cards is rapidly increasing. But having too many bank credit cards can create a negative impact on the credit score of the person. If a bank credit card is no longer in use, it is better to cancel it. When a bank credit card is lost or stolen, it is better to cancel the credit card in order to avoid fraudulent use of the card.
Before canceling a bank credit card, one should check whether any balance remains to be paid for the particular bank credit card. Notify the bank about canceling a bank credit card only after paying off the balance amount completely. Otherwise, some banks increase the interest rate if the cardholder tries to cancel while a balance still exists.
Canceling a bank credit card can be done either by sending a letter to the bank or notifying the bank of the cancellation by phone. The request letter should contain the name, address, and account number of the cardholder. Always keep a copy of this letter to avoid future problems. On accepting the request, the bank sends back a notice, either on the same day or the next day. The rewards on the credit card as well as bank machine access stops upon cancellation of a bank credit card. Moreover, the convenience checks issued by the bank are destroyed.
After canceling a bank credit card, the person must get a copy of the current credit report and make sure to verify the credit score. The cancellation of the credit card must be reported correctly in the credit report.
It is always advisable to keep the bank credit card when the person is planning to take a vehicle loan or mortgage. Canceling a large number of unused bank credit cards can also adversely affect the credit score.
Credit cards provides detailed information on Bank Credit Cards, Bank Secured Credit Cards, Bank Student Credit Cards, No Bank Account Credit Cards and more. Bank Credit Cards is affiliated with Banking services. |
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